30 January 2017



United StatesUnited StatesThe United States of America, or the U.S.A for short, is a federal republic composed of 50 states. 48 of them are contiguous states. There are two other states, Alaska and Hawaii, which are north and south of the contiguous states, respectively. The United States declared its independence from the British ...read more.
This country has serious issues. A too large and corrupt government, too powerful corporatism, fake politicians, horribly fragile economy, corrupt justice system, crappy education system, clowns in office for the past 25 years, etc. I could literally go on forever about how screwed we the people are. But despite all of that, I still put USA at the top because of where we came from. We had wonderful founding fathers who hate tyranny and love liberty, yet they are demonized today. These great men forged the greatest piece of writing ever created in this country called The Constitution of the United States of America. This is what makes the USA great. This is why we have had such glorious freedom for so long now. This Constitution has outdone every other constitution in existence and its principles can even help us in the mess we are in today. But our leaders are violating it every day without a care and without punishment. But I digress. This country is my pick for number one because it ...moreM+366
We did not have wonderful founding fathers! We killed thousands of Native Americans, stole their land and put their heads on sticksM+34
OK, I have to say that the United States is defiantly not the BEST country in the world. True, we have the world's largest economy and military, but my country does have some serious issues that need to be summed up. Of course, to truly understand the United States is to understand the good and the bad parts.

The two major problems facing America today (well, three if you count climate change which I am leaving out of this because 1) it is more of an international problem than a national one and 2) I am only going to be listing the more immediate issues) are corruption and division in our government and our constant meddling overseas. First thing's first, corruption. If you are a senator or a representative in the US congress, you are more likely than not either an extreme religious conservative republican or an extreme socialist liberal democrat. There are some independents and moderates but they are becoming increasingly endangered within congress and the government as a ...moreM+39
People lets get real, no country is perfect, but then again some are better than others... So my vote goes to U.S., where my home is. Of coarse I would love to visit all the countries around the world and compare but I can't, just like many of us. So that says it: we aren't in the place to judge, maybe brag a little, but certainly not judge because everybody has different experiences around the world both good and bad, but nothing beats home, that's for sure. So my vote goes to the usa. The main reason is because I reside here, also its a multiracial place with so many cultures from all around the world, different places to go (whether it be new york city, los angeles, snowcapped mountains, the beach, the dessert, forest, etc and so many other places around the country). I can't say everyone here is nice, but from where I live majority of the people are really friendly. Also we're not fat piggys (stereotype), even though the food is delish. And well, overall this country is amazing, ...moreM+24
Don't get me wrong, Michigan is an absolutely gorgeous state, but I don't feel like the United States should be number one... It is far from the worst, but nearly the best... It has its downsides, and some policies are slightly off. Donald Trump has been elected, so I just hope he'll suprise everyone and do a decent job, because I don't want this country to turn out like Iraq (sorry if you live there). - Flowersocks2137Mnew
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2United KingdomUnited KingdomThe United Kingdom (UK) is a sovereign state which consists of the political and economic union of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. It was a member of the European Union (EU) from 1973 to 2016. The UK is well known for ancient and modern literature, its influence in world music, its historical ...read more.
I have to say the UK for the most reasons:
1) it is more then ONE nation/nationality as its fall name is The United Kingdom of Great Britain and North Ireland, britain=Scotland, wale and England with a bit of Ireland by choice and you can pick what nationality you want English, Scottish, Welsh, Irish, British, European or UK even a British (name other original country you came form or have roots to E.G. A British Japanese or a 5th generation British Chinese)
2) the overseas Territory E. G Falklands and Gibraltar, they have connections with britain as they are it the political UK self-ruling governments of UK and shears the same queen.
3)its connections to other nations, if you have not noticed the top 5 on this list has similarity with each other included THEY WERE ALL PART OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE E.G. uK was seen as their mother/father country, their country's was founded by citizens of the UK and some even now comment it was/is still the mother land of India, Canada, ...moreM+139
First industrialized nation, created the modern world. The world speaks English. Common law, Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights are its wonderful legacy. The only major country in the top ten science Nobel Laureates per capita. With the Dutch, created the western free trade model. The most innovative people on the planet. Time itself is measured from the United Kingdom. Still a military superpower, the country remains uninvaded since 1066, longer than any other nation. Its armed forces are the best-trained in the world. A huge cultural and historical wealth makes it one of the top 5 most-visited countries. London is one of the only two Alpha++ global cities. As a financial centre the UK remains ranked in either first or second place, its geographical location enabling in to trade effectively with the world as a whole. It is one of only two countries to have top-ten placed universities: it is a centre of learning. It has been historically a deeply-Christian country, spreading the ...moreM+104
Great culture, sense of humour, slightly barmy but great!M+125
Great Culture, Great landmarks, great flag, great histories, great comdies, lovely countryside. I live, born and rised there. - AdamBurtMnew
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3CanadaCanadaCanada is a country in North America that is next to the United States, and it's the 2nd largest country in the world (size is 9 . 985 million km²). This country has 10 provinces, and 3 territories. Canada declared independence from Great Britain on July 1, 1867. Its 10 provinces are: Ontario, British ...read more.
This should be #1 because it's peaceful, never has to worry about war, not racist, and the Canadians there are awesome! - afeldman21M+291
Canada is the best country ever I am a Canadian and I feel proud too be in a country like thisM+63
Canada may not have the largest population, nor the biggest army, and may not have the biggest economy. But what this Great North strong and free has is good people, good economy, amazing natural areas, and diverse culture. In Canada any man, woman, or child who immigrates may get dual citizenship allowing them to further express themselves in the our Great cultural mosaic. Better to be a vibrant individual of Canada, than be another bit of grey slop in the American melting pot. The Canadians conquered Vimy Ridge when no other could, we fought for the allies in WWII. Also, if American is "so good" then why do they always use Canadian cities to represent American cities in their "good" films? Also the Canadian Political system is superior to the American for the reason that if the Prime Minister says there is something that should be done, it is then done! None of the pointless banter between a congress and a president. Should be leaving the U.S. in the dust, along with it's overt ...moreM+149
I'll vote for Canada because there is no racism ( immigrants are coming from everywhere ) and we are peaceful people. Not like you Americans that think they are the best - ResidentEvil54lifeM+128
"There is no racism", "NOT LIKE YOU Americans THAT THINK THEY ARE THE BEST"... seems like you just made a judgement about an entire group of people based on the fact that they are American. Racism is defined as "The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or abilities"... so because we are American, we think we are the best? That's a racist comment about being racist... the things you see online now-a-days.M+46
Yep! We Canadians are awesome, eh!Mnew
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4JapanJapanJapan is an island country in East Asia in the Pacific Ocean which has a huge capital city called Tokyo . Other cities in Japan include Fukuoka, Hiroshima, Osaka, Nagoya and Sendai . It's close to South Korea, which is on the North West of it . It has a large population of 127 . 3 million people (in ...read more.
the mix of ancient japanese culture and hi-tec modern devices is just marvelous! - thetoptenM+304
Japan is the best!
Japan is a very advanced country, great technology and perfect facilities. Japan is beautiful as a picture. The people here are very friendly, nice, trustful and helpful. I want to live there!M+236
and not to mention the BOYS there. jez kiddin. - sdravensonM+113
I love to go to japan... I wish I was Japanese... a very high tech country... I just love to live there... people are generous... love the inventions, technology of culture and history of japanMnew
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5AustraliaAustraliaAustralia, officially known as the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands . Australia has a very warm climate and is very dry .
Australia would have to be a serious contender for the Best Country in the world - to live. It is the worlds largest Island, has enormous natural wealth (93% of what the world requires to survive can be found in Australia). Has a population of only 22 million in a country the size of main land US (excluding Alaska) surrounded by some of the very best pristine beaches on the planet. One of the only countries in the world that didn't enter into a recession during the GFC. Has a very small national debt which will be in the black with in 2 years. The most diverse melting pot of different nationalities on the planet (more than the US) and it's beautiful from the tropical heat in the North to the icy snow down south, Australia has it all. I've lived in Europe, the US, Hong Kong and Singapore, traveled the world extensively and easily chose Australia to live permanently. 'It was a very easy choice.M+197
Australia is without a doubt the best country in the world. It's so good that people from other countries risk their lives by jumping on leaky boats, travel half way around the world across dangerous seas just to live here. I don't see anyone jumping on boats to go to India or the Phillipines. Millions of people from every country on earth eagerly migrate to Australia making it the most multicultural society on the planet. People wait in queues for years and years on end just to live in Australia. In fact, becoming an Australian is a huge privilege and not a right. Anywhere you go on earth, the fact that you are Australian is enough to make people envious. People will risk their lives just to become a residemt in Australia (as illustrated by asylum seekers and refugees). Not to mention the the millions in Malaysia and Indonesia who spend years waiting just so they can come live here. High wages, low tax, low unemployment, generous welfare, political stability, free healthcare, ...moreM+81
I'm not Australian, never been there and don't think I'll ever go there as live and work in UK but from my point of view all 1-3 places are Joke - how can India with that level of pollution, poverty and political arrogance be number 1? Answer is 2nd most populated country on this poor planet - many to vote. Australia with its natural resources, politician independence, unmilitarized system and fantastic social support including HEALTH SYSTEM - (USA - shame on You here) - FOR ME definitely NUMBER 1 - leaving all the rest of contenders miles behind. USA? - lived there long enough to taste bitter life especially trough self-admiring citizens which forgot their sins and don't care about most important factors in civilized societies which are EVERYONE HAS FULL RIGHT TO FREE OR CHEAP MEDICAL SYSTEM AND PRESCRIPTIONS and of course EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM - big bo here for USA - my thumbs down all the way - Choosing between having my kids educated in USA and UK - choice was easy - Cheers for ...moreM+59
Australia is one of the safest countires in the world. You don't need to worry about getting robbed like in the U.S. The economy is well developed. Their exports include many iorn, gold, coal, alumina, etc. They expor to many east asian countires and the U.S and India - pigboy32464Mnew
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6GermanyGermanyGermany was formally united in 1871 under the initiative of Bismarck with King Wilhelm of Prussia as emperor. The previous 'Holy Roman Empire', basically a continuation of the empire of Charlemagne/Karl der Grosse was dissolved in 1806. ...read more.
I've lived here, I've lived in Italy and I've lived in S Korea. I like them all better than the good old USA. I was born in the US and I don't think I will ever go back. They brag about freedom in the US but I have somthing here in Germany that you can never have in the US. The freedom to walk around at anytime, anywhere and not have to worry about getting robbed or shot. Plus the countryside is just down right gorgeous!M+154
Strongest European country after loosing 2 world wars, respect!M+144
Both of you are wrong. There is an official list for the most powerful countries. It is called Global Firepower, check it out. France is the most powerful European country, however, it probably won't stay in a war too long... Cheese eating surrender monkeys...! - Triggatomic
Germany is the best country ever
We can come back from anything including multiple giant wars and large debtsM+101
How about your ancestors murder of millions of people. Can you come back from that? Cause believe me... We didn't forget.. The entire world remembers. No coming back from that one lol.
Survived two world wars and has the best football team in the world, what else is there to say.Mnew
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7IndiaIndiaIndia, officially the Republic of India, is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by area, the second-most populous country (with over 1.2 billion people), and the most populous democracy in the world.
I love my country very much because there are different languages, peoples unity so like my country very muchM+994
Yes, India is the most pluralistic country in the world whether it is religious or linguistic. India has public holidays for all religious festivals. NO OTHER COUNTRY has holidays for minority religions, period. And the government doesn't control lives of its citizens like many "developed" countries do.M+416
We have many non-India comments here. Let others shout... Scream... Scold... No matter what! India's on the top!M+790
INDIA is the best COUNTRY in the world because it is very beautiful, it is the most powerful country, INDIA have largest armed force, it is the big economical power. JaihoM+654
I wonder what job I would get if I relocate in India. You sure that I will get protected like in the United States?M+199
This country is absolute crap, why is it on this list? - AKASHPAWARMnew
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8ItalyItalyItaly, in italian Repubblica Italiana, is a unitary parliamentary republic in Europe . Italy covers an area of 301,338 km2. With almost 62 million inhabitants, it is the 3rd most populous EU member state . Located in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, Italy shares open land borders with France, Switzerland, ...read more.
Simply beautiful... Italy may have it's bad side, but it's the most beautiful place to live. Especially with places like Florence, Venice, Rome, Naples, and Sicily... Food is awesome, the climate is awesome, the wine is delicious and the people are great!M+316
Fantastic art and design, a beautiful language. Amazing women, and the people are incredibly at home and sociable. It's easy to just be yourself, and as this goes for everyone, people can come across as rude or happy to an unsuspecting yet well traveled visitor, but it beats the false attitudes of the silly rigid social structures in other countries. It feels great to just be, and Italians do this all whilst holding a smooth amount of class.
The food is the best, and it is incredibly diverse. They have serious problems with economy, and my inability to get a job there has prevented me to move there. I can't wait to get a better future.

These are all opinions, and there is no such thing as the best country.M+267
Because we invent our society and are the best in the art of living.M+256
The best people in the world. The most beautiful country in the world the best weather the best food and the prestigious of "MADE IN Italy"
I'm not Italian thoughMnew
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9FranceFranceFrance, officially the French Republic, is a sovereign state comprising territory in western Europe and several overseas regions and territories. ...read more.
Why France is one of the most beautiful country:

Lots of different landscapes, architectures, more than 36 000 villages and cities, lots of different cultures etc...

Among the most beautiful beaches in the world, because of many Islands and territories like:

- Part of Amazonia (French Guyanne),

- French Polynesia with about 120 among the most beautiful Islands (Pacific Ocean), - French Caribbean with various known islands (Atlantic Ocean),

- Reunion, Mayotte are splendid islands (Indian Ocean) etc..


And France (metropole) surrounded by North Sea, Atlantic Sea and Mediterranean.

That makes France one of the rare countries flanked by 4 oceans (Antarctic included).

Due to its numerous Overseas departments and territories scattered on all oceans of the planet, France possesses the second-largest exclusive economic zone in the world,

Covering 11 035 000 km2 just behind USA.

It belongs also in France the 2nd ...moreM+233
The food is amazing, and even though there is an attitude of being somewhat lazy, this country is friendly and welcoming, and deserves to be in the top 5. Also, French people have a sense of fashion. The accent, food and attitude of the people, along with the various monuments to visit are all factors which contribute to the fact that France is great, and is a country one must visit in his lifetime. Also, how is India first? - catywallerM+160
Many thanks to this marvelous country named France.M+170
All we need is there, all we need is love, all the rest is zero. Hello JaneMnew
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I love my country, thats why it has my vote. It hasnt been in war since 1809, but I think that CAN in some circumstances be a bad thing. Strong standing army, but I think theres too many immigrants.M+77
Sweden is a life time experience even though I don't live there, I have been there on holiday once and it was amazing also the weed down their is greatM+58
Sweden is a great country to live in the crime rate is very low and it's good climate and good foodM+59
Sweden deserves to be in the top 5 of the best countries of this planet Earth. Firstly because we are the kindest people, secondly because the Sweden people are the most beautiful, our blond hair women are recognized to be the most beautiful women of the whole world, please have a look on the appropriate lists on this website. Thirdly our country is so beautiful with its numerous fantastic lakes, islands, sea costs, forests and the winter sport you can enjoy with lot of fun in so relax atmosphere. Our country is the cleanest, we take care about our environment, take care about our people our healthcare system one of the best and our food are just exceptional.
Please do not hesitate to come and visit us,you are all welcome and also for working, the Sweden unemployment rate is one of the lowest in Europe.Mnew
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The Contenders

11New ZealandNew Zealand
New Zealand has to be the Best. They've done so many wonderful things E. G created the first commercial bungy jump, yikebikes, zorbing (I think) and lots of others. They're not racist, yet want to keep their historical virtue of the maori and European settlers, and not going all china and japan like every other country in the world. They don't want to be like any other country in the world, that's why they're so unique and special. So If you want a happy, livable' free (as in freedom) safe, respectable life then New Zealand has to be the best! Coming from the UK- a a lot of people want to go to Australia and USA (but that's only because they get told false accusations from movies and songs) but they also say stuff like their economy is over 4 times bigger than New Zealand, well New Zealand is 10 times smaller then these countries so don't have huge oil reserves which will eventually run out because they want to keep there natural beauty, minimize population that's destroying our ...moreM+64
NZ is definitely the best country in the world.

Friendly people, awesome scenery, easy access to the outdoors, clean water, the list goes on.

The comment for Australia saying that it has 93% of what the world needs to survive is untrue (you can't eat coal). NZ has one of the worlds largest percentage of arable land.

We are the world champions at Rugby

Great music, food, wine & beer comes from NZ.

We are not arrogant like our noisy neighbor to the west.M+50
Much better than Australia, I mean I actually moved from NZ to Switzerland to learn French and everyone says NZ is the best country in the world they say nothing about India, paskistan, Mexico, Germany, Philippines and IrelandM+33
I've lived here my hole life I love it look up Paul Henry its amazing
Its free we watch fox news we no what's happeningMnew
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I have a friend in Russia he told me a lot about Russia and after he told me I tried to find what he had told me on my computer and I couldn't find any of it on my computer. He told me that it's better than America because in Russia you don't have people fighting against your freedom, your independence, your rights and he told me about a man in Russia whose house was broken into the man told his family to hide in the closet of the master bedroom my friend told me that the man was driving home when he gets to the driveway he sees the front door window is broken when he's running to the master bedroom he hears someone trying to break the closet door down he gets to the master bedroom and he sees a man trying to break the closet door down the man my friend told me about pulled his handgun and shot the man that had a axe the man that shot the man who had a axe didn't go to prison because he was protecting his family my friend told me that in Russia you don't go to prison for protecting ...moreM+33
Russia is the best country in the world, and Russians are very friendly! I hear about this country a lot. Everyone have a vote for Russia! I come from UK but I love Russia! Russian language is beautiful and easy to lean!M+53
Russia is the greatest nation and we had the richest culture later stolen by miserable smaller nations. Our people is the best in every area! Heroic soldiers and talented artists, hard workers and idealist youth - this is the real Russia!M+36
Russia was once one of the greatest empires in the world. But now is a shell of itself. It's current leader is trying to regain its glory much to the fear of its neighbors and Europe. It constantly interferes in the affairs of other countries. It's economy is in tatters and backward and is going nowhere. A couple of friends of mine left there because things are going back to the old Soviet style. But that's what ordinary Russians want. They would rather give up their liberties and starve to just regain their glory and imperial nationalism.Mnew
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Switzerland is greater than anything else you can imagine! Although I love 43 countries, Switzerland is the most favorite of all! Check out the most famous customs: you'll always see an alphorn band throughout the day. The swiss cuisine is always clean and tasty. Geneva is a great shopping place. You can shop for watches, clothes, chocolate etc... You must live there! Just visit it in the summer and see the great wonders and destinations. You'll feel happily deeply inside!M+46
Woah woah! I love Switzerland. But watch that last sentence. Keep it in context. - 15098DM+10
Switzerland is better than any country in the world. It's clean, beautiful, and has nice people. It may be small but it should be number one. India is very dirty and should not be number one. You can really enjoy nature in Switzerland. One more thing is if you love shopping, most large Swiss cities have a section in the city dedicated to shops so you can enjoy your favorite stores right in the heart of the cities!M+19
most libertarian country in the world! limited government, great people, beautiful stunning scenery, chocolate, watches and skiing! clean air and great sights.M+27
Air quality, crime rate, public education, chocolate, GDP per capita... I mean, you never hear bad things about Switzerland. Not to mention it's diverse and it's a country where people of different cultures actually assimilate and coexist.Mnew
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14NorwayNorwayNorway, officially the Kingdom of Norway, is a sovereign and unitary monarchy whose territory comprises the western portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula plus the island Jan Mayen and the archipelago of Svalbard.
A wonderful country, a lot of oil, sabotaged a lot of the germans ships, vehicles and equipment during WWII, prevented the germans from getting hydrogen bombs, one of the worlds richest countries in the world, and supporting other countries with aid, but we got a bad prime minister.M+52
I had been there for about a year. I am so fascinated to its beauty. A truly European country. It is so peaceful country having gentle, hardworking and kind-hearted people. Moreover, the best thing of Norway is - it's a well organized and developed country. The people are simply awesome, they do not hinder others but respect co-existence. The dark woods, small hills, lakes and the snow... What does it not have? --- Everything.M+30
Norway IS the best nation in the world, no doubt. It is the best place in the world to live, the second happiest country on the planet, there are basically no class differences and the nature is so beautiful and well preserved there is no competitor. It has more lakes than Finland, aka the land of the lakes. And it is one of the most democratic countries on our planet. The human rights aren't represented better anywhere than in Norway. It is a country that also sits on the top of multiple sports rankings, despite a population of only 5 million. No doubt, there is not a country that is better than Norway on our planet.M+17
Okay honestly this should be in top 5.Mnew
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15EnglandEnglandEngland is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west.
England is diverse, with many museums and cultural interests and a stunning coastline and lush green countryside, for the latter you need rain and we do get some of that! We also have a tremendous sense of humour and are not afraid to laugh at ourselves. How boring to wake up knowing the sun is going to shine every day--I think!M+19
England are only this low down because all of it's votes are placed on the United Kingdom which is mostly England.M+15
Should be number 1, we made it all possible for everyone.
Everyone now speaks our languageM+14
France is the only country in Europe that smells like feet. Or cheese...?Mnew
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16South KoreaSouth KoreaSouth Korea, officially the Republic of Korea, is a sovereign state in East Asia, constituting the southern part of the Korean Peninsula.
Korea is an amazing place to be. Korea went from one of the poorest countries in the world to one of the most developed and now finally richest. Korea and China together now have a chance to show Japan that as colonized nations of Japan, we can show them who's boss in the future. Lets go Korea! - korea2002M+16
South Korea is a blessed country with beautiful and talented people. The invention of the Hangul (Korean alphabet) show how smart they are. Despite of their tragic past marked by multiple invasions, today they are one of the most developed and richest country in the world. Personally, I was introduced to Korea (less than one years ago) through Korean dramas and pop musics and now I have no regrets. I learned with the time new things about Korea and my love for this country continue to grow. By the way I am from Tahiti! You do not know where it is! Then look how far and big is the influence of Korea; even in the lost islands of the South Pacific we know South Korea! I love Korea!
Having been born to this country considers me to be shame.
The surroundings of the fabricated history, culture, and a town are overflowing with copies.
For a long time, our ancestors who were Chinese tributaries are themselveses, and had not produced a new thing.
And even now, it continues.M+37
Shut up, what do you mean with fabricated history, you are just jealous of our success.. we used to be below you and we are gonna be above you soon - HgalaxyM+9
South Korea is the best country with cool music, movies and dramas.Mnew
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17ChinaChinaChina, officially the People's Republic of China, is a sovereign state in East Asia. It is the world's most populous state, with a population of over 1.381 billion. It was established in 1949. Its capital is Beijing. The other major cities are Hong Kong and Shanghai. Chinese (Mandarin) is the only official ...read more.
I love my motherland without reason, and I think the vote should have chinese, most of the chinese even don't know the website. And the countries above are almost English countryM+104
What! Got great food, great culture, great place. Awesome ECONOMY! THE STUFF FROM OTHER COUNTRIES ARE MADE IN China, DUMMIES! This is gonna be a SUPER DUPER powerful country one day, heck, it already is! And on that day, everyone who didn't vote for China will be sorry!M+57
All very good points but China is having a bit of a struggle with the environment. You can't deny that. - 15098DM+30
Chinese people are hard working, adventurous, organised, smart, family oriented, enterprising, diverse and accepting of other cultures. When they migrate to other countries, they work hard and are law abiding. They try their best to integrate and assimilate. They can be like the ants and bees of the human world. Their people toiling away, unrelenting and focused.

However, they face many discriminations especially in Western societies where the westerners feel very threatened by their diligence. Just see how many hundreds of derogatory terms they give to Chinese to try to put them down. China was once too proud of being a great civilisation, they slept for 300 years while the other countries progressed and conquered the lands around them. Only those who learn the lesson of humility, can be great leaders. The harsh reality is the winners of this world aren't the meek and hardworking people, it is usually the aggressive, greedy and violent nations who go around the world ...moreM+6
China is the worst! The poison their products and give it to innocent people. Then they go and be racist and greedy to Americans. ALSO they torture people and harm for no reason. ALSO they invade other countries for power! They want POWER POWER POWER!Mnew
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18GreeceGreeceGreece, officially the Hellenic Republic, also known since ancient times as Hellas is a country located in southeastern Europe.
These people will die for freedom, men, women, old young, they have the guts to stand up to anyone but are still sweet inside.

Greece never stole from anyone, hurt anyone, but Greece gave the world everything with nothing in return. She is humble and helps others even though Greece has been invaded more than any other nation on earth. What a history, and what amazing strength if these people to keep their history alive for thousands of years.

Great museums, white buildings sparking in the sun with the bluest sapphire sea below. Simplicity, tranquility, harmony. Wear sandals and white linen all summer, no need to get dressed up in designer "show off" clothes - in Greece, it's all about the sea, the wine, the sunset, love of life and a life of love. The perfect day is a day waking up looking at the scenery and mountains, knowing that the history of the land where you step is a myth come to life. Joy, war, fantasy, invasion, perseverance, celebration -- it all started right ...moreM+53
Greece is a beautiful country, with a wonderful history that goes thousands of years back, in which has formed the base for the world. With beautiful architecture, delicious food, and wonderful people, this country deserves to be distinguished as one of the best countries. Also, the modern life in this country is wonderful throughout every season, especially during the summer! One is never left bored in Greece, at the moment that it has so much to offer!M+62
Most beautiful place in the WHOLE WORLD. Good food and nice people. Ask anyone who has been there and they will say it is the bestM+66
Craddle of Civilization, democracy, philosophy, history, morals, filotimo, hospitality.Mnew
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19IrelandIrelandFormed in 1916 after the Easter uprising, Ireland is a small country with a population of roughly 5 million.
I have lived here for 6 years after moving from the United States. This country is awe-inspiring. Where in the world can you walk down a street at two in the morning and the odds of anything happening to you are minimal. Safest place I've ever been.M+42
We do our best... But we care about our neighbours... I love my country.M+44
Irish inhabitants in general are extremely hospitable and have a delightful sense of humor. The green (hence Emerald Isle) landscape and geography of Ireland is utterly breathtaking and beautiful. I was instantaneously captivated by the incessant friendliness and high spirited nature of the locals. The accents are incredibly awesome and are pleasant to the ear as well.M+22
Everyone like the Mediterranean sea, but nothing compared with the Ocean, that's great part of mother nature, makes you feel you are alive and the Irish beaches are recognized as the most beautiful. Sun is ok to get skin cancers.Mnew
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20PhilippinesPhilippines...read more.
PHILIPPINES! Very hospitable, friendly, welcoming, have sense of humor, religious, Beautiful and handsome, Smart, etc. I LOVE PHILIPPINES SO MUCH!M+214
I'm From USA and I visit in the Philippines last year... all I can say is WOW very nice.. and I like the people there.. very friendly and helpful.. see you again Philippines this year! :))M+185
THE PHILIPPINES is the latin piece of the Pacific because it was colonized by Spaniards more than 3oo years, that's why Filipino people looks mestizos and mestizas, it has a lot of beauty spots to offer to the world, try to visit PHILIPPINE ISLAND, MABUHAY!M+152
Not because that I am a Filipino,but my country has a big difference from others tradition than ours. There are more things to explore and discover that you don't know what's everything about the PhilippinesMnew
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